Projets scientifiques

Bien entendu, il nous tient à cœur de soutenir des projets scientifiques importants consacrés aux reins et pertinents pour les patients, où que ce soit en Suisse.

Chaque été, nous lançons un appel à projets!

Le document auquel renvoie le lien n’existe qu’en anglais!

Projets scientifiques soutenus à ce jour

Jhar Kanton Stadt Name
2024 Chur Fehr Thomas / Zurbuchen Yves / Hübel Kerstin
Mechanisms and signatures of immune tolerance in combined kidney and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Mechanismen und Signaturen der Immuntoleranz bei kombinierter Nieren- und hämatopoetischen Stammzelltransplantation
2024 Lausanne Stavart Louis
Sex/gender-dependent differences in the epidemiology and outcome of kidney transplantation in Switzerland
Différences épidémiologiques et pronostiques de la transplantation rénale en Suisse selon le sexe/genre
2023 Zürich Blum David & Pelz Stefan
Kann die Behandlung mit einer "virtual reality" Brille die Symptomlast von Dialysepatienten reduzieren?
Does virtual reality improve symptom burden in dialysis patients?
2023 Lausanne Hassib Chehade
Est-ce que les recommandations concernant les investigations uro-radiologiques invasives après un premier épisode de pyélonéphrite aiguë chez les enfants de moins de 3 ans peuvent être adaptées en fonction de certains facteurs de risque? Une étude multicentrique suisse
Should guidelines for invasive uro-radiological investigations in children after a first acute pyelonephritis be risk-adjusted? A swiss multicentric study
2023 Bern Aregger Fabienne
Comparison of two different peritoneal transport tests in peritoneal dialysis patients
Vergleich von zwei verschiedenen peritonealen Transporttests bei Peritonealdialysepatienten
2022 Bern Schietzel Simeon

Apixaban dosing in hemodialysis ‑ can drug level monitoring mitigate controversies? - BMC Nephrology (2024) 25:338
Analysis of Apixaban drug level monitoring in hemodialysis patients to improve dose finding and safety of use
Analyse von Apixaban Blutspiegelmessungen bei Dialysepatient*innen um die Dosisfindung und die Sicherheit der Anwendung zu verbessern
2022 Zürich Seeger Harald
Anti-nephrin antibodies in primary podocytopathies
Anti-Nephrin-Antikörper bei primären Podozytopathien
2021 Lausanne Halfon Matthieu
Epidemiology of glomerulonephritis in Swiss kidney transplant recipients
Epidémiologie des glomérulonéphrites chez les patients transplantés rénaux en Suisse

Publication 2024 in KIReports
Outcome of Patients Transplanted for C3 Glomerulopathy and Primary Immune Complex-Mediated Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis Kidney Int Rep (2024)
2021 Bern Faller Nicolas

Bewertung von Urincitrat und Serumhämoglobin als neue prognostische Faktoren bei autosomal-dominanter polyzystischer Nierenerkrankung: eine prospektive Kohortenstudie
Evaluation of urinary citrate and serum hemoglobin as new prognostic factors in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: a prospective cohort study
2020 Mendrisio Giannini Olivier
Immune response to infections and vaccines in dialysis patients in Ticino – KidneYimmune
Immunantwort auf Infektionen und Impfstoffe bei Dialysepatienten im Tessin - KidneYimmune
2020 Zürich Luyckx Valerie
Access to expensive therapies in nephrology in Switzerland
Zugang zu teuren nephrologischen Therapien in der Schweiz
Für weitere Information:
2019 Lausanne Pruijm Menno, Rochat Etienne
Exploration of the Spiritual Expectations of Patients in a Swiss Hemodialysis Center Kidney and Dialysis 2025, 5(1), 2;
Hemodialysis and spirituality : Exploration of the spiritual expectations of dialysis patients in the Dialysis Centre of the Nephrology Department of the Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)
Hémodialyse et spiritualité : exploration des attentes spirituelles des patients hémodialysés dans le Centre de dialyse du Service de néphrologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)
2019 Lugano Cippà Pietro
A transfer learning framework to elucidate the clinical relevance of altered proximal tubule cell states in kidney disease iScience 27, 109271, March 15, 2024
Using artificial intelligence to quantify cellular senescence in renal biopsies and predict outcome after kidney transplantation
Anwendung von künstlicher Intelligenz zur Quantifizierung der zellulären Seneszenz in Nierenbiopsien und zur Prognose-einschätzung nach Nierentransplantation
2018 Bern Semmo Mariam & Bally Lia

Closing the loop in dialysis patients with diabetes
Künstliche Bauchspeicheldrüse bei Dialysepatienten mit Diabetes
2018 Basel Hirt Minkowski Patricia
Development of a point-of-care application for chemokine CXCL10 quantification after kidney transplantation
Entwicklung einer Point-of-Care-Anwendung zur Quantifizierung von Chemokin-CXCL10 nach Nierentransplantation
2017 Basel Koller Michael T.
Variability in outcome of renal allograft pairs (twins) originating from the same deceased donor. The STCS renal allograft twin study.
Variabilität im Transplantationserfolg bei Nierentransplantat-Empfängerpaaren deren Transplantate vom selben verstorbenen Spender stammen. Die STCS Transplantat-Zwillingsstudie.
Annual Meeting - SGN - Poster Presentation 2018

Preliminary results of the STCS Kidney Allograft Twin Study
2017 Genf Dufey Teso Anne
How to improve dialysis patients health literacy and satisfaction?
Comment améliorer les compétences en santé et la satisfaction des patients dialysés?
2016 Bern Dahdal Suzan
Effects of Sevelamer on the gut microbiome in chronic kidney disease
Effekte von Sevelamer auf das intestinale Mikrobiom bei chronischer Niereninsuffizienz
2016 Basel Kiss Alexander
Attitudes and practices among Swiss nephrologists regarding end-of-life care: is there a change in the past 12 years?  A national survey
End of Life Care (EOL) bei Dialysepatienten: Haben Schweizer Nephrologen ihre Einstellung und ihren Umgang damit in den letzten 12 Jahren verändert?
2016 Lausanne Schwotzer Nora
Water-soluble vitamins in chronic on-line hemodiatiltration patients
Blutspiegel von wasserlöslichen Vitaminen bei chronischen Hämodiafiltration-Patienten
2016 Zürich Von Moos Seraina
Biomarkers of endothelial stress to estimate volume status and cardiovascular risk in dialysis patients
Einschätzung des Volumenstatus und des kardiovaskulären Risikos von Dialysepatienten anhand neuer Biomarker
2015 Bern Bohlender Jürgen
Prevention of early kidney damage and renal disease progression by controlling dietary salt intake and hypertension: identification of new predictive biomarkers
Annual Meeting - SGN - Poster Presentation 2018
Plasma angiotensin profiling in hypertensive patients screened for primary aldosteronism

Annual Meeting - SGN - Gewinner Poster Preis 2017
Publikationen Indexed plasma drug concentrations for drug adherence screening in hypertensive patients.

Indexation des concentrations médicamenteuses plasmatiques pour évaluer l’observance chez les patients hypertendus
Medication adherence during laboratory workup for primary aldosteronism: pilot study
Patient Preference and Adherence 2018:12 2449–2455
2015 Zürich Cippà Pietro
UMOD gene variants in kidney Transplantation
2014 Basel Jehle Andreas
FFA bei diabetischer Nephropathie Publikation
Fetuin-A aggravates lipotoxicity in podocytes via interleukin-1 signaling
2014 Basel Hoenger Gideon
A novel avidity assay to predict the clinical relevance of donor-specific HLA-antibodies
2013 Lausanne Ogna Adam
Effects of renal transplantation on sleep apnea syndrome in chronic renal failure patients (Project still ongoing)
2013 Basel Kim Min Jeong
Role of galactose-deficient IgA1 in the activation of Spleen tyrosine kinase and inflammatory response of mesangial cells in individual patient with IgA nephropathy Publikation
Higher serum galactose-deficient immunoglobulin A1 concentration is associated with stronger mesangial cellular inflammatory response and more severe histologic findings in immunoglobulin A nephropathy Clinical Kidney Journal, 2018, 1-7 / doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfy068
2013 Genf Hadaya Karin
Association of a common P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) polymorphism C3435T with total bone mineral density in a cohort of kidney transplant recipients Publikation
Recipient rs1045642 Polymorphism Is Associated With Office Blood Pressure at 1-Year Post Kidney Transplantation: A Single Center Pharmacogenetic Cohort Pilot Study
frontiers in Pharmacology / published: 05 March 2018 doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00184
2012 Lausanne Forni/Ogna Valentina
Effects of hemodialysis on sleep apnea syndrome in patients with renal failure Publikationen:
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity and Overnight Body Fluid Shift before and after Hemodialysis.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Jun 5;10(6):1002-10. doi: 10.2215/CJN.08760914. Epub 2015 Apr 10.
Prevalence and Diagnostic Approach to Sleep Apnea in Hemodialysis Patients: A Population Study.
Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:103686. doi: 10.1155/2015/103686. Epub 2015 Jul 1.
2011 Bern Kruse Anja
Red blood cell lifespan in chronic renal failure. Determination of erythrocyte turnover using the carbon monoxide breath test method
2011 Genf De Seigneux Sophie
Role of oxidative stress in chronic kidney disease. Establishment of new measurement methods in chronic kidney disease patients Publikation:
NADPH-oxidase 4 protects against kidney fibrosis during chronic renal injury.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Dec;23(12):1967-76. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2012040373. Epub 2012 Oct 25. PMID: 23100220
2011 Lausanne Mani Laila-Yasmin/Pruijm Menno
The Chinese herb Shakuyaku-Kanzo.
To reduce muscular cramps in hemodialysis patients: a randomized, placebo-controlled double blind cross-over trial
2010 Basel Burkhalter Hanna
Tägliches Licht für Nierentransplantierte Patienten die eine Schlaf- Wach- Dysregulation haben Publikation:
The effect of bright light therapy on sleep and circadian rhythms in renal transplant recipients: a pilot randomized, multicentre wait-list controlled trial Transplant International /Volume 28, Issue 1, pages 59-70 January 2015
2010 Genf Chehade Hassib
Etude de l’effet d’un traitement de Prednisolone sur la diminution de l’atteinte parenchymateuse rénale après une pyélonéphrite aigue chez l’enfant
2010 Zürich Spartà Giuseppina
Kinder mit einem hämolytisch-urämischem Syndrom: Klinische und psychologische Aspekte Publikationen:
Long-term health-related quality of life and psychological adjustment in children after haemolytic-uraemic Syndrome
Werner, H., Buder, K., Landolt, M.A. et al. Pediatr Nephrol (2016). doi:10.1007/s00467-016-3569-0
Health-related quality of life and mental health in parents of children with hemolytic uremic Syndrome
Pediatric Nephrology | June 2016, Volume 31, Issue 6, pp 923-932 - Erratum to this article
Neurodevelopmental long-term outcome in children after hemolytic uremic Syndrome
Pediatric Nephrology | March 2015, Volume 30, Issue 3, pp 503-513
2009 Zürich Fehr Thomas
DNAM-CD155 interaction during allograft rejection: a new target for therapeutic intervention The Role of T Cell Costimulation via DNAM-1 in Kidney Transplantation
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0147951 February 3, 2016
2008 Bern Pasch Andreas
Low urinary excretion of endogenous thiosulfate as a risk factor for calcium nephrolithiasis
2008 Basel Burkhalter Hanna
Validity of a two item sleep quality scale in renal transplant recipients
2008 Lausanne Ronzaud Carolina
Control of blood pressure and sodium homeostasis by the WNK-SPAK/OSR1-NCC pathway: angiotensin II or aldosterone?
2008 Lausanne El-Housseini Yousef
Stimulated sweating as a therapy to improve water and sodium balance in chronic hemodialysis patients
2007 Bern Farese Stefan
Sodium-Thiosulfate as a therapeutic agent for the prevention and treatment of vascular calcifications in ESRD
2007 Genf Marangon Nicolas
Impact du suivi nephrologique sur le pronostic des patients insuffisants renaux chroniques de stade IV
2007 Lausanne Pruijm Menno
Effect of sodium and hypertension on renal tissue oxygenation in humans as measured by BOLD-MRI
2007 Zürich Ambühl Patrice
Erfassung der Lebensqualität und des Krankheitsverlaufes bei Langzeit-Hämodialyse-Patienten
2006 Basel Schaub Stefan
Pre-transplant risk assessment: beyond HLA antibodies
2006 Basel Kiss Alexander
Verbessert eine Eintages-Schulung für Ärzte und Schwestern (Swiss EDHEP) deren psychosoziale Kompetenz im Umgang mit trauernden Angehörigen (Hirntod/Organspende)?
2006 Lausanne Mönster Christensen,
Identification of the target protein(s) and drug development in patients with lithium induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
2005 St. Gallen Binet Isabelle
Evaluation des Palliativpflege-Konzepts bei Dialysepatienten
2005 Bern Simonetti Giacomo
Blood pressure, salt sensitivity and activity of 11-beta-OHSDH type 2  in children born with intrauterine growth retardation
2005 Bern Pasch Andreas
Role of nephrotropic enteroviruses in renal disease
2005 Lausanne Würzner Grégoire
Evaluation of compliance and compliance-monitoring-induced improvement in therapeutic responses in dialysis patients treated with high doses of the calcimimetic cincalcet HCl
2004 Bern Vogt Bruno
Behandlung der IgA-Glomerulonephritis mit tief dosiertem Cyclosporin
2004 Basel DeGeest Sabina
Testing the effectiveness of a Computer Assisted Transplant Patient Self-Management Tool
2004 Genf Moll Solange
Identification de marqueurs urinaires des maladies rénales
2004 Genf Martin Pierre Yves
Ausbildung des Pflegepersonals zur psychischen Betreuung von Dialysepatienten

«Chaque sourire que tu envoies te revient doublement »

E. Kästner