WKD – World Kidney Day 2025

Are your Kidneys okay? – How are your kidneys?

World Kidney Day 2025 takes place on 13 March.

Kidney diseases often go unnoticed for a long time, as symptoms only appear at an advanced stage. This is precisely why early diagnosis is vital – especially for people at increased risk. We therefore invite you to ask yourself in March and beyond: “How are my kidneys actually doing?”

Who should be particularly vigilant?

The main risk factors for kidney disease include

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • severe obesity
  • familiar predisposition

To find out whether the kidneys are still functioning well or not, there are two simple but informative tests that can be carried out by your family doctor. The examination only requires a blood and urine sample. Blood pressure and blood sugar levels should also be analysed regularly.


One in ten people in Switzerland is affected by kidney disease – most of them without realising it.

Our mission: to raise awareness of kidney health, educate the population about the vital function of the kidneys and promote preventive measures.

Together, we are making kidney health a key issue!


Here you will find an overview of events and initiatives taking place in Switzerland to mark World Kidney Day.

50 JAHRE VNPS Was war, was ist, was wird

Vom ersten Ersatzorgan bis zur Widerspruchslösung

15. März 2025
Inselspital Bern – Saal Ettore Rossi
Beginn: 13h30

Eintritt freiNach dem Symposium laden wir Sie zu einem Apéro Riche ein Die Einladungen werden ab Mitte Januar 2025 verschickt.

Danach können Sie sich per Post oder online anmelden...

Vos reins vont-ils bien ? Détecter tôt pour protéger la santé rénale

À l’occasion de la Journée mondiale du rein 2025, le Service de néphrologie et hypertension, l’Unité de néphrologie pédiatrique et la Coordination du don d’organes et de tissus des HUG vous invitent à participer à des journées de dépistage et de sensibilisation aux maladies rénales.

12.03.2025 - 13.03.2025

Transforming Kidney Care: Innovating Solutions for Chronic Kidney Disease in Switzerland

This symposium will bring together key stakeholders in Swiss kidney care and experts in digital medicine to discuss how emerging technologies can be harnessed to navigate the growing epidemic of chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Thursday, 13 March 2025, 13:30 - 17:00
University Hospital Zurich, Grosser Hörsaal, NORD1 D 304
Frauenklinikstrasse 10
8091 Zürich...

Öffentlicher Vortrag Nierengesundheit im Fokus: So bleiben Ihre Organe fit

Unsere Nieren sind Schwerarbeiter: Sie filtern Gift- und Abfallstoffe aus unserem Körper, regeln den Wasser-, Salz- und Säure-Basen-Haushalt, regulieren den Blutdruck und produzieren wichtige Hormone. Es ist darum sehr wichtig, dass unsere Nieren gesund bleiben. In ihrem Vortrag erklären unsere Expertinnen und unser Experte, welche Funktionen die Nieren übernehmen, welche Warnsignale auf Probleme hinweisen und wie Ernährung und Lebensstil Ihre Nieren unterstützen können.

Burgdorf, 6. März 2025, 19 Uhr
Langnau, 13. März 2025, 19 Uhr...

World Kidney Day 2025 in Switzerland is supported by:

Learn more about the kidneys

Children’s brochure

In our new brochure you will find a wealth of information about the kidneys – told in a child-friendly way.


Order brochure

Download brochure as PDF

Preserving kidney function even with kidney disease

Find out more about the function and structure of the kidneys, the most important risk factors and modern treatment options for kidney disease – compact and easy to understand in this brochure.

Available soon – Order brochure / Download brochure as PDF

Protecting kidneys means protecting life!

Support us in raising awareness of kidney health and providing vital educational work.